About Me

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First off , welcome to my blog ! Here I will be posting different projects , sculpts , tutorials that I upload on Youtube and other bits and pieces. I'm a self taught 3D/2D artist that tries to constantly get better with each project , if I succeed at that or not it remains to be seen , but either way , practice makes perfect right ?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Underground Lost Civilization

This is my first concept art , dunno' if I can call it finished or not but at the moment I'm fresh out of ideas , will be coming back to it if necesary. It took me about 7-8 hours to make using Photoshop and a Wacom Bamboo tablet.

In the end I think it went pretty good and regarding the fact that this is my first stab at concept art it went pretty good.

Anyway , here's what I'm talking about :


  1. Very cool man I like the feeling of it.
    Wish I could do matte paintings like this.
    Have you tried Corel Painter its really decent to do matte paintings and stuff. I am busy learning it now quite a challenge

  2. Thanks for the comment man !

    About Corel I never tried it , but I heard alot of people use it , a friend of mine for example likes it better than Photoshop , I dunno' I guess it just comes down to preference , I started using PS and I never actually felt the need for anything else ( the only exception being Illustrator but that's working with vectors , so I guess it doesn't count ) , I'm sure that at a certain point I'll give it go though , allways handy to have another program under your belt so to speak :-?

    Oh and regarding "Wish I could do matte paintings like this" it's not that hard , I made this after years and years of not drawing anything , worked with 3D for alot of time so I guess it just takes a bit of willpower if nothing else , let your imagination run rampant and just draw , have fun and if you're not satisfied with what came out of it either try to make it work or start a new piece , practice makes perfect and allways keep your standards high , that's the fastest way you can evolve , at least in my oppinion.

    Anyway , I'm rambling now :)) , thanks again for the comment !
